Magzter introduces ezRead 2.0
Magzter says ezRead 2.0 “revolutionises the digital magazine experience by presenting magazine pages in responsive layouts that are automatically optimised for any size screen – smartphones as well as tablets.”
Magzter carries more than 8,200 magazines from around the world and automatically processes the PDF files supplied by the publishers to publish them in the app store in different formats including curated articles, ezRead mode for the magazine issues and publish the full magazines in normal layout.
Magzter has released ezRead 2.0 for more than 200 magazines including titles from Hearst Magazines, Newsweek, Forbes, American Media Inc., The Economist, Bauer Media, Dennis Publishing, India Today Group, Time Inc (UK), SPH Magazines, MediaCorp and many other top publishers.
“Magzter’s ezRead 2.0 will be the new way magazines are consumed on the smaller screens of smartphones. I, personally, have started reading more than ever since my iPhone is always in my hand unlike any other device, and I’m sure all our global customers will also benefit from this,” said Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter.
Vijay Radhakrishnan, president, Magzter, said: “We see a significant growth on the smartphone users downloading our app and to offer a superlative and innovative digital reading experience, we decided to introduce ezRead 2.0, which will definitely be loved by magazine readers including millennials who are always on the lookout to consume and share easy-to-read information on the go.”
Magzter is a member of FIPP.
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