South Africa’s Entrepreneur Magazine partners with Magzter to increase its digital reader base
The magazine editions from the USA, India and Mexico are also available on Magzter.
“Entrepreneur Magazine is the ultimate “How to” business magazine targeted at business owners and key decision makers; we are the handbook for building companies. We are extremely excited to be partnering with Magzter in order to increase our digital footprint, their platform is seamless and we are eager to be introduced to their vast client base,” said Dean Harty, group manager marketing, circulation and communities, Entrepreneur Media South Africa.
“Entrepreneur has been one of the best-selling business titles on Magzter, and we are now delighted to add its South African edition to our catalogue. The magazine not only publishes inspiring success stories from Africa, but also guides budding entrepreneurs to create one themselves. Here’s to a fruitful digital partnership between Entrepreneur Magazine South Africa and Magzter,” said Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter.
“Being an entrepreneur myself, I rely on Entrepreneur Magazine South Africa to stay updated with all the latest developments in the African business world. Now that the magazine is available on Magzter, millions of entrepreneurs like me can access it on the go from any part of the world,” added Vijay Radhakrishnan, president, Magzter.
Magzter is a member of FIPP.
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