Uncover the best, most successful Innovation case studies in this year’s report
The 9th edition of the Innovation in Magazine Media World Report is written for FIPP every year by Innovation Media Consulting, a global consultancy helping publishers succeed in the digital age.
The report author is John Wilpers, Senior Director USA of Innovation Media Consulting, and it is edited by Juan Señor, Senior Partner.
Case studies revealing magazine media strategies from around the world include:

– The Economist on reader revenue: “We now charge the same for a digital subscription as for a print subscription on the grounds that you are paying for the content and not the format,” according to Michael Brunt, The Economist Chief Marketing Officer and Managing Director, Global Circulation
– Men’s Health: With 70% of its readers revealed as the household’s primary food buyers, it wasn’t a huge gamble to launch a line of Men’s Health-branded food products targeted at their audience
– Giallo Zafferano: Mondadori took its best-in-the-nation food website and launched what turned out to be a wildly popular print magazine – including extensive reader interaction with polls to choose the cover and recipes to feature
– Motor Trend: In just over a year, the magazine attracted more than 100,000 subscribers to its on-demand streaming video service
– Público: How “pivot to audio” deepened their relationship with their audience
– Harvard Business Review: Sets aside 10% of its time for future planning by discontinuing non-value-producing activities
– National Geographic: Interactive storytelling provided a stunning work of deep archival dives into the parallel lives of John F. Kennedy and his eventual assassin Lee Harvey Oswald
– New York Magazine: Joined forces with Livestream to survey what audiences expect from live video (and 70% chose YouTube as their favourite video platform)
– Tudo Sobre: Marcelo Leite, one of Tudo Sobre’s (“All About”) creators explains the interactive multimedia storytelling concept used to bring readers to the Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon
– Bonnier Publications: Using “content upcycling” to get more value out of every euro spent on content production
– Vogue: Launched the first Facebook Messenger chatbot that allowed users to personalise their fashion news
– The Week on launching a print-only title for kids: “Only print can really give an immersive experience, with great breadth and pacing,” said Kerin O’Connor, Chief Executive of The Week and The Week Junior
Not to mention the breathtakingly cool stuff being dreamt up and made into reality: a double page spread Gillette ad in Israel featuring “The Dad Test” with sandpaper and real scratch marks showing the effect of a bad shave; an ad for outdoor clothing company LL Bean that only appears in sunlight; popcorn scented ads to promote the unique advertising solutions print can offer; an ad for Glacial beer in Brazil that turns into a beer chiller; and an ad you can pee on, from Ikea…
Order your copy now to read more.
The Innovation Report is available in print thanks to UPM – The Biofore Company – and in digital format powered with thanks by PressReader.
Are you looking for a dynamic, value-packed presentation to inspire your in-house or client event? The team of Innovation Media Consulting are available to present at your next conference, seminar or workshop.
Contact Helen@fipp.com to get the ball rolling or to order at bulk discount rates.
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