Why opting for a single, clearly defined strategy is not always the correct approach
In today’s extremely competitive environment, the most successful companies are those that are ambidextrous. FIPP’s newest professional development programme, EPIC, aims to address that.
Organisational ambidexterity refers to a company’s ability to juggle today’s business requirements whilst at the same time adapting for tomorrow’s changing demands. Organisations need to use both exploration and exploitation techniques to be successful. In some cases, reinvention means throwing away existing strategies and even best practices. Every CEO needs to understand the pressing need for a clear competitive strategy, as well as the need for strategic innovation. In fact, if the management don’t understand this and fail to have a clear idea about how they are going to be distinctly different and how they should differentiate themselves from the competition, they are going to get overtaken.
One of the modules on the FIPP senior management course, Executive Programme for Innovation and Change (EPIC), will cover this in detail. Strategic ambidexterity is anything but a lukewarm compromise.
This EPIC module, run by Loizos Heracleous (pictured), professor of strategy and organisation, will examine how companies such as Apple and Singapore Airlines have managed to implement a dual strategy and accomplish sustainable competitive advantage and high-performance at the same time. Participants will learn about how to implement this strategy, about the principles you need to follow, and about the kind of leadership it takes to drive your business through this.
Join FIPP and Oxford University’s Saïd Business School for EPIC in July 2014.
For more details visit www.fipp.com/EPIC or email Christine Huntingford.