[Video] Why tone of voice is the key to good native advertising
This article is reproduced with thanks to Native Advertising Institute, a FIPP member. See the original article here. Jesper Laursen, CEO of Native Advertising Institute, will lead a panel discussion on native advertising at the 41st FIPP World Congress, 9-11 October 2017 in London, the UK. Meet him there.
Native Advertising Institute asked Maria Marteleur to answer these questions at Native Advertising DAYS 2016. She is the head of native advertising and commercial editor at Dagens Industri, Scandinavia’s largest business newspaper.
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Why tone of voice is the key to good native advertising
“The key element of native advertising is the tone of voice. As an advertiser, you need to be as close to the publisher’s voice as possible because they know how to talk to their readers and they do it a certain way because they know it’s working.
The tone of voice is very important in native advertising because it’s the way you address the readers and the readers are also the buyers. So if you know how to talk to the readers you will sell more.”
Quality content requires investments
“What you shouldn’t do in a native advertising is don’t do it poorly. Try to put some money into it, try to put some effort into it because otherwise people won’t look at it and they won’t be interested in knowing more about you or your company.”
Experiment more
“What we should do now in native advertising has to do with format. You should try to experiment a bit more and not just do articles. We’ve seen that now and I think there’s so much more to native advertising than just text and pictures.
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Try to do a quiz for example. You can actually talk to the reader one-on-one and if you can do that you can also recommend them the best thing that you have to offer.
If you do it in a controlled area when you know that the audience is actually interested, you will sell more products.”
Great stories make great customers
“You have to tell the clients to tell stories because it works. If you are an insurance company, for example, you actually have these stories within your business already.
You could always talk to the customers that actually used the insurance and when you do you get the real stories you also get the real life feeling and people will believe you, because you have an answer for their life’s questions such as; how should I use this insurance?”
“Agencies should be publishers and vice versa”
“I think the agencies should become the publisher and vice versa. We need to learn from each other and when we do we can actually make great negative advertising.
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You need all different kinds of pieces of knowledge to do native. You need analysts, content marketers, writers, strategists and business people. And all of these competencies are not usually in the same company so you need to merge them I think.”
Maria Marteleur is a featured expert in ’23 Predictions for Native Advertising in 2017′ [FREE E-BOOK]
Jesper Laursen, CEO of Native Advertising Institute, will lead a panel discussion on native advertising at the 41st FIPP World Congress, 9-11 October 2017 in London, the UK. Meet him there.

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