Digital Innovators’ USA Tour 2016: San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles
In 2016, the Digital Innovators Tour will take place not, only in these two hot-beds of technological inspiration, but it will also visit one of the US’s fastest growing, and perhaps lesser known as a start-up city – Los Angeles.
San Francisco
While Silicon Valley has long dominated the tech industry, San Francisco is becoming the location of choice for many new and existing companies. Established firms like Twitter and Pinterest as well as startups like Nuzzel and Eventbrite are leasing space in the city because it offers a more attractive lifestyle to talented employees and is increasingly attracting a larger share of venture money. All of this indicates that the seeds of the next innovation cycle are taking root in San Francisco.
Silicon Valley
While San Francisco is enjoying a boom, Silicon Valley is still thriving. This year saw more patents, more IPOs, and a larger share of venture capital and angel investments than ever before. The Valley is still home to tech giants including Apple, Google, Facebook and LinkedIn who continue to invest heavily in building out their own campuses.
Los Angeles
Technology entrepreneurs and venture capitalists are converging in Los Angeles to launch a whole new breed of entertainment, gaming, ad tech and video companies. After a record year in 2014, Los Angeles is on track to set another new high for venture dollars invested in the region in 2015. While all this new start-up activity is attention worthy, it is also important to remember that LA is already home to highly successful technology ventures including Snapchat, Tinder, Oculus VR, Maker Studios, The Honest Company, and SpaceX. What is making LA such a good breeding ground for innovation is the combination of a steady stream of engineering graduates and a deep pool of creative talent from local industries.
The tour will bring together senior global magazine media executives to meet and engage with executives from innovative technology companies and start-ups who are changing the digital landscape. Tour participants will learn more about the business, thinking and views of some of the top players in the field and make new international business contacts.
The Digital Innovators’ USA Tour is organised by FIPP, the worldwide magazine media association, VDZ, the Association of German Magazine Publishers.
Places are already filling up fast for the next Digital Innovators Tour which will run from 17 – 22 April 2016. Book your place today at the Pre-Agenda rate of €6,900, for FIPP and VDZ members, (a saving of €1,000 off the full rate).
For more information contact Christine Huntingford.
Sign up for the 2016 US tour today
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