Enreach aims to turn audience data into profit

After launching five years ago in Helsinki, Finland, Enreach technology has reached various regions around the globe including the Baltic States, Latin America, the Nordics and Spain. Enreach now has plans to expand into the UK market.

Enreach will be part of the FIPP London Start-up Tour this November. The tour will introduce you to leaders throughout the industry and provide you with the opportunity to get up close and personal with the London media and digital scene. 

Founder Director, Brian Jacobs, took the time to discuss the benefits of Enreach’s technology for magazine publishers with Danielle Ricketts, ahead of his appearance at the FIPP London Start-up Tour.

Enreach screengrab ()

Above: enreach.me screengrab

After gaining customers from locations all over the world, how do you plan to expand in the UK media market?

The UK is a tough market as there are several US-based competitors who have been active here for some while. So to succeed, by definition, we need to unseat them. That’s hard because they have good operations and are professional. That said we certainly have our plans, plus we have managed to generate a fair bit of interest recently so let’s wait and see…

Why would magazine publishers benefit from using Enreach?

The short answer is that they would understand more about their audiences and that can only be a good thing. We think that a greater understanding of not only who the audience is but also how they use the title can help in the marketing of their medium to consumers, as well as in selling ad space. If you can demonstrate you can deliver the audience advertisers want then there is no question. You can charge more for them on a purely CPM basis. That certainly has been our experience. 

The main advantage is that we aim to make them more money! Greater understanding and knowledge translates into greater revenues.

What makes Enreach unique from similar companies on the market?

This is a good question! First, I think our technology is superior to others, but then I would say that. In truth I do believe it is but I’m sure the others believe in their technical superiority over us too. 

We mesh our technological solution, based on semantic analytics, with survey questions. These typically cover demographics but they can also explore topics of specific benefit to the individual publisher. 

As each of our installations is housed separately and uniquely there is no question of any publisher’s data ‘leaking’ to any other publisher.

Setting the technology aside for a moment, I think we benefit from a total focus on helping our publishers succeed. We don’t operate as an ad network. We don’t sell space. We don’t share data. We don’t use the publisher’s data to benefit anyone other than the publisher. We simply measure our publishers’ audiences and help them turn that measurement into profit.

I also think we benefit from a strong service ethic. In these days of everything being automated, it’s hard to remember sometimes that people are involved! We believe in a strong after-sales service. We know that it is in our interests for our publishers to use our system once it’s installed. After all if they don’t use it then the next step is to uninstall it.

Why are you excited about meeting FIPP’s delegates on the London Start-up Tour in November?

When we started Enreach about five years ago, we did a lot of listening. We have learned more from how best to serve our customers by listening to them than we will ever do by simply selling them stuff. So I see the FIPP meeting as another opportunity to listen and learn from each other. Of course we would love the chance to meet new prospective partners but I’m sure we will take a lot from the experience. FIPP members are large premium publishers – they will have experiences and have learned lessons that will certainly be of benefit to us as we continue to build Enreach.

Finally, personally when I was managing director of an agency, I was invited to speak with FIPP several times. It will be nice to repeat that exercise!

The FIPP London Start-up Tour will take place on 16-18 November 2015. See what other companies are confirmed on the Tour. Go to the Programme tab on fipp.com/learn/fipp-london-start-up-tour.


Our summer offer ends on 31 August: Book your place on the tour at the Early Bird Rate.  

Be sure not to miss out!

If you have any questions, simply email Christine Huntingford and/or Jenny Stubbs.

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