Magzter launches interactive digital magazine tool
Magzter makes it really easy for publishers to translate their print magazines into digital versions. It has over 1,500 major publishers using its service to produce more than 4,000 magazines available via Apple’s Newsstand, the Kindle Store, and the Magzter digital magazine store. Previously, publishers found Magzter to be an attractive partner because it was very cost effective to push preexisting magazine issues to new untapped digital distribution channels. However, that also meant that there wouldn’t be very many bells and whistles.
The new MagEnhance tools will change that by allowing those publishers to quickly and easily enhance sections within those magazine issues with interactive content. The new tool will allow them to add rich text (making hyperlinks available), photo slideshows, videos, animation, music, audio, and more. You can do all of this without messing with the source code, as interactive elements are added using a “drag and drop” visual interface, the company told VentureBeat.
Read the rest of this story at VentureBeat.
Magzter is a FIPP member company.
We recently launched the new (in beta, while doing live testing and refinements). The relaunch is not only about look and feel, but even more so about us providing a platform to further enable the sharing of ideas, insights and opinions within our global network. If you have a story to tell, or are interested in contributing to on a regular basis, get in touch with our communications manager, Amy Duffin.