Media24 adds magazines to Magzter Gold
The Media24 titles that can be read with a Magzter Gold subscription include:
– You South Africa
– TV Plus
– Go! South Africa
– Landbouweekblad
– Your Pregnancy
Girish Ramdas, CEO of Magzter, said: “We always strive to continuously expand our Magzter Gold catalog so that our users can read more of their favourite magazines with just one subscription. In this direction, we’re immensely happy to add the diverse and renowned titles from Media24 to Magzter Gold, and we firmly believe that our users will thoroughly enjoy reading them.”
“The arrival of Media24 titles to Magzter Gold is a win-win situation for all. While Magzter Gold subscribers can enjoy reading these superlative magazines with their existing subscription, Media24 is sure to widen its global reach and increase its readership exponentially,” added Vijay Radhakrishnan, president of Magzter.
Magzter is a member of FIPP.
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