New Innovations in Magazine Media 2014: the roadmap for magazine media strategy

The 2014 edition of Innovations in Magazine Media World Report will provide a roadmap to the major changes exploding on the magazine media scene.

Launched today at the FIPP/VDZ/eMediaSF Digital Innovators’ Summit in Berlin, this is the fifth edition of the report published by the Innovation International Media Consulting Group for FIPP.

“This edition will be the most important we have ever published”, said John Wilpers, one of the editors of FIPP’s Innovations in Magazine Media World Report. “Why the most important? Because there are five phenomena exploding on the magazine media front that will affect publishing for years to come: native advertising, big data, mobile as the dominant platform, and video.

“In years past, we have documented emerging trends and new ideas, but this year has been stunning for the speed with which these five phenomena have moved from the idea stage to becoming critical elements of success right now.”  

Wilpers outlined the key changes which are presented in Innovation in case studies, interviews and Blippable videos:

  • Native advertising is revolutionising the world of content, advertiser-magazine relationships, advertiser-reader relationships, and revenue models.
  • Big data is putting serious science and analysis behind every decision we make in magazine publishing, from content to advertising to new products.
  • Mobile will be the dominant platform for information distribution and consumption and it is so revolutionary that some are calling it a “do-over” chance for legacy media who got the whole internet thing so terribly wrong.
  • Programmatic advertising suddenly appears on its way to becoming the way most ads will be sold and scheduled
  • Video has become the most effective, most powerful, and fastest-growing method of delivering content and advertising to the largest audience, all in ways that are increasingly accessible to all publishers, not just those with big budgets.
  • And there’s more in the book: pay walls, content sales, e- and m-commerce, programmatic advertising, publishing frequency, print innovations, personalisation, Google Glass, e-newsletters, and more.

BuzzFeed, Condé Nast, The Huffington Post, Atlantic Media, Virgin, Pepsi, Forbes, The Washington Post, Hearst, Microsoft, The Guardian, OgilvyOne, Nivea, Elle, and Netflix are just some of the brands featured in the report. Including also insight from Google, ZenithOptimedia, Nielsen, Reuters, Digiday, eMarketer, and GfK.

Innovations 2014 is available in print, digital, and app formats from £97. FIPP Members get the digital edition for FREE and 30 percent off the other formats.

The digital and apps editions are powered by PressReader. Blippar brings the print edition to life. And paper is supplied with thanks to Sappi.

For further information, including translation rights and bulk rates, contact Sylkia J. Cartagena or Helen Bland.

The FIPP Innovation Forum is a two-day hands-on seminar focused entirely on what and how to innovate in magazine media publishing across all platforms and channels.
Based on the five-year research collaboration between FIPP and Innovation Media Consulting to create the annual FIPP Innovations in Magazine Media World Report, the two-day Innovation Forum will select some of the best case studies and methods applied to innovate magazine media brands in print and digital.

The FIPP Innovation Forum will initially outline ‘the innovators’ dilemma’ – how and what to innovate within a company, whether it be incrementally, radically or in a transformative way.

Secondly, the FIPP Innovation Forum will present: ‘meet the innovators’ – key innovative figures will tell their stories in detail and share best practice with results and reflections.
Finally, the event will review the best innovations in magazine media from the past five years from all over the world, with a specific focus on those which increased reach, relevance and revenue.

Visit for more information about the FIPP Innovation Forum or contact Claire Jones.

Contact Stuart Hands-Bellion or Andre Glazier for advertising and sponsorship opportunities at the event.

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